Workshops & Courses

Qigong Workout Menu


Circles Top-to Bottom

“Swimming” Variations

Circles on 3-Planes

Hard “Sumo” > Soft Sumo > “Rag Doll” Chakra Shake

Patting the Energy Meridians

“8 Brocades” Organ-focused Set

 Standing Meditation – “Wuji” Heaven/Earth and Beyond

“Cloud Hands” (2 versions)

Tai Chi Mini-Form

“Charles Atlas” Holding the Great Ball > “Brush Stroke” Release

Hands and Face Self-Massage

Dantien/Hara (Lower Belly) “Vase Breath”

Close – “Embrace Tiger, Return to Mountain”

Energy Exercises for Back Pain

Weekend intensive and multi-week programs. Helpful for folks with back, neck, shoulder and/or pelvis issue(s) who can lie down for periods of time. Any other exercise restriction you my have will be accommodated.


Elements of this healing and personal development course include specialized Taoist and Buddhist sitting, standing, moving and supine Qigong exercise sets, meridian energy psychology protocols, Neuro-Linguistic Programing (NLP) patterns, and spatial attention training.

Your Body Knows: Somatic Meditation for Health & Personal Growth, Levels I, II, and III

Presenting  a unique 6-session personal growth course.


This growth and healing journey begins and ends with the body. Whether your goal is to go deep and take fundamental steps toward what Buddhists and Taoists call “realization”, or scale down at least for now and aim to learn some ways to relax more deeply, f-e-e-l more joy in your inner life, or engage your world with extra vitality, then as they say, this course is for you.


We’ll train in being more in the body and thinking less. Synchronizing mind and body, “defragmenting” our myriad confusions, we can build confidence and trust in the wisdom of our deeper impulses.


Attending primarily to specific parts of the body and aided by the breath, we will identify and release layers of tensions, discovering surprising things as we go – feelings, urges, energies, and possibly qualities of indeterminacy, of “space” - that can challenge our ideas about who we are.


We will practice expanding our experience of personal identity via “earth descent”, releasing into the loving, healing depths in ways you may never have imagined.


Even if our body seems often to be the enemy – sore, stiff, fat, dizzy, unmanageable – we will gain new respect for the riches of our soma, maybe even lighten our self-image in those moments when we let go and open to the sacredness of our emerging lives as revealed by the body.


Qigong elements include Taoist and Buddhist lying down, sitting and moving somatic meditation practices,and Western mindful floor exercises.



Introduction to "the Body Electric": Qigong for Organizations

(Two-hours to half-day)


Qigong (Chi Kung) mini-workshop, a perfect primer for your wellness/recreation staff and regular personnel at company training events. Qigong, a forerunner of Tai Chi, has the special advantage of having a very broad menu of shorter, hence easier to learn and practise, exercise sets that can be presented “bite-size”, either for general health and fitness, or issues like chronic pain, fall prevention, or performance enhancement .


Qigong strengthens the body, develops muscular fluidity and coordination, and heightens proprioceptive awareness, focus and alertness. It relieves stress, boosts the immune, respiratory and cardiovascular systems, increases bone density and joint flexibility,and generally increases the body’s innate healing abilities. Exercises can be done standing, moving, walking, sitting or lying down.


In this class, participants will experience specific exercises that help them embody fundamental Qigong principles like relaxation with alertness, posture & alignment, breath and sensation, visualization, centering and grounding, feeling the three-dimensionality of self and space, working with gravity, and moving with the whole body.

Performance Tai Chi Workout for Athletes and Enthusiasts

Next course TBA.

Details here